Unfortunately, given the restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Organizing Committee and the Technical Programa Chairs of ALGO 2021 were forced to run the meetings fully online, using a specialised platform. Instructions for authors and attendees on how to participate in the virtual meeting will be provided shortly..
The ALGOCLOUD 2021 Springer Link access is available in following link:
https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-93043-1ALGOCLOUD is an annual international symposium aiming to tackle the diverse new topics in the emerging area of algorithmic aspects of computing and data management in modern cloud-based systems interpreted broadly so as to include edge- and fog-based systems, cloudlets, cloud micro-services, virtualization environments, decentralized systems, as well as dynamic networks.
ALGOCLOUD aims at bringing together researchers, students, and practitioners to present research activities and results on topics related to algorithmic, design, and development aspects of modern cloud-based systems. ALGOCLOUD 2021 is co-located with ALGO 2021, a leading international event of researchers working on algorithms and their engineering.
ALGOCLOUD welcomes submissions on all theoretical, design, and implementation aspects of modern cloud-based systems. ALGOCLOUD is particularly interested in novel algorithms in the context of cloud computing, cloud architectures, as well as experimental work that evaluates contemporary cloud approaches and pertinent applications. ALGOCLOUD also welcomes demonstration manuscripts, which discuss successful system developments, as well as experience/use-case articles and high-quality survey papers. Contributions may span a wide range of algorithms for modeling, practices for building and techniques for evaluating operations and services in a variety of systems, including but not limited to, virtualized infrastructures, cloud computing platforms, edge computing platforms, fog computing platforms, datacenters, cloud-storage options, cloud data management, non-traditional key-value stores on the cloud, HPC architectures, decentralized systems, as well as dynamic networks.
Submissions should focus on aspects of cloud-based systems and their algorithms, including (but not limited to) the following areas:
Submissions must be in the form of a single PDF file prepared using
Springer's LNCS style file
ALGOCLOUD 2021 asks for the following types of submissions:
- Regular paper submissions: authors are invited to submit
high-quality manuscripts reporting original unpublished research in
the topics related to the symposium. A regular paper submission should
clearly motivate the importance of the problem being addressed,
discuss prior work and its relationship to the paper, explicitly and
precisely state the paper’s key contributions, and outline the key technical ideas and
methods used to achieve the main results. A regular paper submission
should not exceed 12 pages including title page and abstract, but
excluding references and an optional appendix. Authors should include
all necessary details in their submission so that the Program
Committee can judge correctness, importance and originality of their
work. Any material (e.g., proofs or experimental results) omitted
(from the main part of 12 pages) due to space limitations can be put
into the optional appendix, which will be read at the Program
Committee's discretion. Regular papers will be allotted up to 20 pages
in the proceedings.
- Short paper submissions: a short paper submission may present
work-in-progress on a specific topic, or work appeared elsewhere (but
is worth publicizing it in the symposium), or a demonstration of a
system or library, or an experience/use-case paper, or a vision paper.
Authors should clearly motivate the importance of their contribution,
discuss prior work and its relationship to the paper, and in general
provide sufficient details in their submission so that the Program
Committee can judge the quality and importance of their work. A short
paper submission should be at least 2 and at most 8 pages. Short
papers will be allotted up to 8 pages in the proceedings.
- Survey paper submissions: a survey paper submission concerns the
write-up of a high-quality survey paper on an emerging hot topic.
Authors are asked to submit a proposal between 5 and 10 pages that
clearly motivates the importance of the topic, and contains the
structure of the survey paper along with the most important references
that will be critically reviewed and presented. If the proposal is
accepted, then authors will be given sufficient time (until end of
October 2021) to prepare the full version of their survey paper that
needs to pass a quality control check by the PC, in order to be
finally accepted and appear in the proceedings. Survey papers will be
allotted up to 40 pages in the proceedings.
All papers should be submitted electronically via the EasyChair submission system at:
Submissions website: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=algocloud2021
By submitting a paper the authors acknowledge that in case of acceptance at least one of the authors must register at ALGO/ALGOCLOUD 2021 and present the paper (this holds for all types of papers, including accepted survey proposals). Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ instructions and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, for the preparation of their papers. Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers. In addition, the corresponding author of each paper, acting on behalf of all of the authors of that paper, must complete and sign a Consent-to-Publish form. The corresponding author signing the copyright form should match the corresponding author marked on the paper. Once the files have been sent to Springer, changes relating to the authorship of the papers cannot be made. Springer’s proceedings LaTeX templates are available in Overleaf . Accepted papers will be included in the post-proceedings published by Springer in its Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.
Awards will be given to the best regular paper and the best student regular paper. A regular paper is eligible for the best student paper award if at least one of the authors is a full-time student (Bachelor, Master, or Ph.D.) at the time of submission and the student(s) must have made a major contribution to the paper. The program committee can decide to decline or to split the awards. Awards are sponsored by Springer.
Bugra Caskurlu, Utku Acikalin, Piotr Wojciechowski and K. Subramani; New Results on Test-Cost Minimization in Database Migration. Anna Katharina Hildebrandt, Ernst Althaus and Andreas Hildebrandt; Privately querying Privacy: privacy estimation with guaranteed privacy of user and database party. Léonard Lys, Arthur Micoulet and Maria Potop-Butucaru; R-SWAP: Relay based atomic cross-chain swap protocol. Shahin Kamali and Pooya Nikbakht; On the Fault-Tolerant Online Bin Packing Problem. Matthew Connor; Brief Announcement: On the Distributed Construction of Stable Networks in Polylogarithmic Parallel Time.
Tutorial 1 (Monday, Sept. 6, 14:30-15:45) |
Self-Adjusting Networks: Enablers, Algorithms, Complexity |
Stefan Schmid, University of Vienna |
Network traffic is growing explosively, and next-generation workloads, e.g., related to (distributed) machine learning and artificial intelligence, will further increase the amount of traffic headed for and between the world’s data centers. This quickly growing demand pushes today’s wide-area and datacenter networks towards their capacity limits. While over the years, several interesting new network architectures have been proposed to improve the efficiency and performance of such networks, especially in the context of data centers, these networks often have in common that their topology is fixed and cannot be reconfigured to the traffic demand they serve. This tutorial discusses a different approach to operate networks: reconfigurable "self-adjusting" networks whose topology adjusts to the workload in an online manner. Reconfigurable networks are enabled by emerging optical technologies, allowing to quickly change the physical topology at runtime. This technology also introduces a vision of demand-aware networks which tap a new optimization opportunity: empirical and measurement studies show that traffic workloads feature spatial and temporal structure, which in principle could be exploited by reconfigurable networks. However, while the technology of such reconfigurable networks is evolving at a fast pace, these networks lack theoretical foundations: models, metrics, and algorithms - we have fallen behind the curve. The objective of this tutorial is to help bridge this gap, and introduce to the ALGO community a rich and potentially impactful research area, which touches many core topics of the conference. We first discuss technological enablers and report on motivating empirical studies. Our main focus in this tutorial then is on the new models and algorithmic challenges introduced by this field. In particular, we will review existing algorithms and complexity results, and highlight future research directions. |
Tutorial 2 (Monday, Sept. 6, 17:15-18:30) |
Self-healing Distributed Algorithms |
Amitabh Trehan, Durham University |
Resilience and fault-tolerance are highly desirable properties for networks and often distributed algorithms are designed with this purpose in mind. Self-healing is one such fault-tolerance paradigm which seeks to maintain a desirable state of the system despite attack accepting only a short disruption. The concept of self-healing appears in various forms ranging from autonomic networks to practical networks to distributed algorithms. We look at the later setting formalising self-healing as a game on graphs where a powerful adversary deletes/inserts nodes and the network responds by adding/dropping edges locally in a distributed manner while seeking to maintain global invariants. This requires the network to be reconfigurable e.g. in the P2P-CONGEST model (with limited message sizes). We look at various results in this setting building up self-healing resilience by adding topological properties such as connectivity, diameter, stretch, expansion, and routing in a simultaneous manner. |
Tutorial 3 (Monday, Sept. 7, 14:30-15:45) |
Gaming the Decentralized Finance |
Maria Potop-Butucaru, , Sorbonne Université - LIP6 |
Decentralized finance opens a new research field: reliable distributed economical systems that is a cross research between classical distributed systems and mathematical models for economical systems. Blockchain technology is today at the core of decentralized finance. Differently from the classical distributed systems, blockchain technology faces complex faults and behaviors including rational. Interestingly, when rational behaviors are combined with classical faults (e.g. Byzantine behaviors) established results in distributed computing need to be revisited. This talk reports several results related to robustness of distributed abstractions used in blockchain technologies to Byzantine and rational behaviors analyzed through the lens of game theory. |
Paderborn University, Germany
Christian Scheideler received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from Paderborn University in 1993 resp. 1996. After postdoc positions at the Weizmann Institute and Paderborn University, where he also finished his Habilitation, he joined the Johns Hopkins University as an assistant professor in 2000. In 2005, he moved as an associate professor to the Technical University of Munich before he became a full professor at Paderborn University in 2009. Among his various activities, he was the general chair of the ACM SPAA conference from 2016 to 2020 and the chair of the computer science department of Paderborn University from 2013 to 2017, and he currently is an associate editor of the Journal of the ACM, an associate editor of the Journal of Computer and System Sciences, and a member of the advisory committee of the ACM SPAA conference as well as the steering committee of the SIROCCO conference. Christian Scheideler has published more than 150 papers in refereed conferences and journals and has served on more than 70 conference committees. He has also been the PC chair and local arrangements chair of various conferences in the past. His main focus is on distributed algorithms and data structures, network theory (in particular, overlay networks, wireless networks, and hybrid networks), the design of algorithms and architectures for robust and secure distributed systems as well as programmable matter, and most recently also blockchains.
Accepted papers will be included in the post-proceedings published by Springer it its Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.